This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

Like the summer days in Canada, summer courses go by very quickly!

Here are a few tips to manage and organize your summer term courses:

Read Your Syllabus and Mark Down Deadlines in Your Calendar Right Away

Deadlines will be closer together in the summer term than they were during fall and winter terms.. Because of this, it is even more important to be aware of them.

Go through your syllabi and highlight the deadlines. Once you do this, add them to a calendar with reminders!

Curb that FOMO

Some of your friends may not be taking summer courses so it may be hard not to feel like you’re missing out. Use this as an opportunity to motivate yourself to get your work done!

When possible, schedule time to complete schoolwork when your friends may be working as well so that you can spend time with them while still being productive, and not missing out on that summer fun.

Maintain Your Routines

Routines that worked well for fall and winter courses may be challenging to maintain during the summer term due to the increased flexibility in the summer.

Try to maintain your routines around sleep, eating, and work. You can even treat your summer coursework like a 9-5.

Consistency is Key

Try to create a sustainable, feasible, and consistent schedule for yourself.  Working through the course materials at a consistent pace will reduce the likelihood of falling behind.

Take Advantage of that Vitamin D!

Many of us experience deficiencies in vitamin D during the winter.

Vitamin D has been shown to improve mood and productivity. Try having your morning coffee or create a workspace outside! If that isn’t possible, try to work close to a window that lets in that beautiful sunlight.