The final exam period can be taxing and require an immense amount of mental resources.

While you are preparing-for and going through the exam period, try these wellness strategies to promote healthy emotional and physical well-being!

Maintain Balance

Maintain healthy work-life boundaries during final assignment and exam period(s). Create a realistic schedule to complete your school work and studying, which incorporates adequate time to relax, rest and recuperate.

Using un-balanced strategies, like “cramming,” increases your likelihood of becoming overwhelmed and not retaining the information you are trying to learn. Understanding your limits and allowing yourself to take breaks will calm your nervous system and lead to productive study periods.

Get a Healthy Amount of Sleep

It is recommended that adults get between 7-9 hours of sleep per night, per Statistics Canada.

Having an adequate amount of sleep will allow you to effectively study the next day. Without it, there is a high likelihood that your brain will not preserve the information you are learning.

Move Your Body

Moving your body, even just adding a skip in your step on your way to get coffee or a snack, can make a difference in your mental and physical wellbeing. Exercise and movement lead to endorphin release, which positively influences mood and attentiveness.

Maintain a Routine

Establishing a routine during the busy and/or hectic times gives you a sense of familiarity during periods of increased stress.

Having a routine promotes healthy behaviours and coping mechanisms as they encourage you to complete tasks and celebrate the little victories. Routines call for structure and can be a good way to incorporate the above health behaviours into your schedule.

Reach out for Support

If you find yourself struggling, Carleton has a plethora of resources that are readily available to help both academically and emotionally. Take a look at Carleton’s Mental Health Resource Guide for more information.