1. PMC Anxiety Group Series
  2. Social Communication Group
  3. Chronic Medical Disability Support and Social Group
  4. Procrastination Group
  5. Graduate Student Writing Group
  6. ADHD Group

In efforts to support students in keeping connected with the PMC, each other, and their studies, the PMC has created a series of support, social and study groups open to all PMC-registered students.

These groups range from an opportunity to interact with peers socially, to being a place of accountability for studying.

Be sure to review our meeting guidelines before attending the first session of any group.

PMC Anxiety Group Series

The PMC Anxiety Group provides a space where attendees learn new strategies to manage and change your relationship with anxiety, while connecting with others who share similar experiences.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for anxiety. The goal of the PMC Anxiety Group is to give you options to choose from. Students can participate as much or as little as they wish. The main thing is to show up!

Social Communication Group

Unsure where to start making new friends on campus? Join our monthly, in-person Social Communication Group designed to support students with disabilities nurture social skills and foster friendships.

This group may be helpful to students with various disabilities, including autism spectrum, social anxiety, etc..

Chronic Medical Disability Support and Social Group

Join our new Chronic Medical Disability Support and Social Group for an opportunity for the social connection and sharing of ideas and strategies for a more enjoyable and accommodating time at Carleton University, both inside the classroom and beyond.

Procrastination Group

Are you putting things off and waiting until the last minute to complete your coursework?

Attend our procrastination workshops and join our support groups to understand the black holes of procrastination.

Changes occur when you practice skills and apply them in your life at home, school and work.

Graduate Student Writing Group

The Graduate Student Writing Group is for any graduate student working on an independent project (seminar or conference paper, grant proposal, journal article, thesis, manuscript, etc.).

The group provides a space for accountability for projects without traditional deadlines and the chance for students to set tangible writing goals for the session and for the upcoming week.

The Graduate Student Writing Group meets on Monday morning from 10:00 – 11:30am from January 8 – April 8, 2024.

ADHD Group

The PMC ADHD Group will not be running during the Winter 2024 term, and will come back new and improved for Fall 2024!

Stay tuned for details.