Opt Out Process

Students who have a U-Pass card will need to renew it every eligible pass period. You will receive an email when it is time to renew.

Location: Nideyinàn 4th Floor, across from the Campus Card Office.

Building Access Hours You do NOT need an appointment to renew your card.

Damaged or lost U-Passes cost $25 to replace. This can be done at the Campus Card Office (407 University Centre) during our hours of operation.

  1. You will receive an email letting you know you can renew your card. You can also check for upcoming important dates.
  2. Tap your card at the right kiosk in the Nideyinan (formerly University Centre) Galleria! Look for the kiosk that matches the last two digits of your student ID number.
  3. You’re done! Remember, you only tap once– it really is that easy.