1. Reviewing Template Accommodations
    1. Step-by-Step
    2. Video Tutorial
  2. Requesting Accommodations
    1. Step-by-Step
    2. Video Tutorial
    3. Deadline for Requesting Accommodations
  3. Letter of Accommodations (LoA)
    1. Letters Tab
    2. Viewing LoAs
  4. Resources
    1. Ventus Student Support and FAQ
    2. Ventus Support Line and Live Chat
    3. PMC Coordinator

In Module 3, we cover the steps for requesting accommodations and how the Letters of Accommodations are generated once accommodations are approved by your coordinator.

Reviewing Template Accommodations

Your template accommodations are the list of approved accommodations that are associated with your user profile and have been previously established in discussion with your PMC Coordinator. From this list, you can select the accommodations you need to use in any given course on a semester by semester basis and request to have them applied to those courses.

When you log into Ventus for the first time, you should review the template accommodations available to you in each course to ensure that …

  • as a returning PMC student, the accommodations you have used in the past, or
  • as a new PMC student, those accommodations you established with your coordinator during your intake meeting

… are available for you to select now when requesting accommodations. Please note that unless included in your accommodations requests on a per course basis, template accommodations won’t be applied to your courses.


To review your template accommodations:

  1. Click the Accommodations tab from the top menu, giving you the default view of your Course List for the current semester.
  2. Select each course that you are registered for and review the template accommodations available to you for those courses
  3. Make note of any inaccuracies (i.e. usual accommodations missing or other accommodations added which hadn’t been part of the template in the past) and contact your Disabilities Coordinator with details of what is missing or inaccurate.

Video Tutorial

Check out the following video for more detailed information on reviewing template accommodations:


Requesting Accommodations


To request accommodations in your course:

  1. From the current semester course list, click on a course for which you wish to request accommodations.
  2. From the list of both teaching and exam template accommodations, click the checkbox next to each accommodation you require.
    • Note: Having previouly established your template accommodations with your PMC Coordinator, you are now being asked to anticipate the exam accommodations you will need for that course before any Notice of Examination has been issued. However, it is in your best interest to select all the available exam accommodations in your template that you think you might possibly need. When you receive a Notice of Examination (NOE) and confirm participation, you will have the opportunity to make a final decision on which exam accommodations you will actually use. We cover how to confirm participation and make a final selection of exam accommodations in Module 4 – Test and Exam Accommodations.
  3. Click the green “Submit for approval” button.
  4. Ventus displays a message to remind you that you can no longer make changes to your request once sent for approval. Click Ok to submit your request.
  5. When the page reloads, you will see:
    • A banner notification with the following message: “Your selections have been submitted. If changes are required, please contact your PMC coordinator”.
    • In the status column to the right, any accommodations you left unchecked in your submission will have a status of “Opted Out”. Some accommodations requested will show as “approved” with a green checkmark. However, some requested accommodations may show a status of “Pending” as they require approval from your coordinator on a per course basis.

Video Tutorial

Check out the following video for more detailed information and a visual guide on the steps for requesting accommodations:


Deadline for Requesting Accommodations

If you miss the deadline for requesting accommodations, you will receive the following banner notification in Ventus like the one below with the message: “The last day for submitting selections for this term as passed. If you want to submit a request, please contact your assigned Disabilities Coordinator”.

Ventus banner notification indicating that the accommodations request deadline has passed

Letter of Accommodations (LoA)

Letters Tab

The Letters tab gives you access to all the Letters of Accommodation (LoA) that have been issued by your PMC coordinator for any courses in which your accommodation requests have been approved. Your course instructor will also be issued a copy of this letter, so it will not be necessary for you to forward it to them, but you can access the letters here for your records.

Viewing LoAs


To view any LoAs issued in any of your courses:

  1. Click the Letters tab
  2. From the course dropdown, select a course for which your coordinator has issued an LoA and click the View button.
  3. The Letter of Accommodation will load with a Print button for you to print a hard copy or print to PDF

Screenshot of Letters tab with a sample of Letter of Accommodation


Ventus Student Support and FAQ

Visit the Ventus Student Support and FAQ materials for guidance on the accommodations process at Carleton and how Ventus can be used to support the management of your academic accommodations.

Ventus Support Line and Live Chat

Scheduling and Examinations Services operates the following services for Ventus-related issues and technical inquiries:

  • Live Chat Support – On the Exam Services Live Chat Support page, click the icon (like the one to the right on this page) that will appear on the bottom right of the screen to chat with examination staff representative.

Toll-free lines and Live chat support are available 8:30 am -10 pm on weekdays, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm on weekends.

PMC Coordinator

Contact your PMC Coordinator if you have any questions or concerns regarding your accommodations and support.

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