1. Logging in to Ventus
  2. Creating a Ventus Account

Logging in to Ventus

To log in to the Ventus Student Portal:

  1. Go to ventus.carleton.ca/student
  2. Click the green button labeled “Login to the Academic Accommodations Portal”
  3. Now, at the Carleton SSO Portal, enter your MyCarletonOne username and password
Screenshots of the two steps involved in logging in to the Ventus student portal: in the first screenshot of the first log in screen, a green callout labelled "Click the green button to log in" with an arrow pointing to the green login button that is labelled "log in to the academic accommodations portal. Log in with your Carleton credentials"; in the second screenshot of the second log in screen, on the Carleton SSO portal, a green callout labelled "enter your My Carleton One username and password" with an arrow pointing to the username and password fields.

Two screenshots of the Ventus login process

Creating a Ventus Account

If you are logging in to Ventus for the first time, after entering your MyCarletonOne credentials, you will be prompted to create a new account with the following screen:

Screenshot of the Ventus system screen that prompts new users to create a new account. Heading reads "Sign up for a new PMC Academic Accommodations Ventus Account. at the bottom of the screen are two buttons: a green button labelled "Yes, I would like to create a new account" and a grey button labelled "No, I would like to log out of the system"

Click the green button labelled “Yes, I would like to create a new account” and a new account will be created for you.

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