The goal of Virtual Ventures girls* programs are to encourage girls to explore different opportunities in STEM. The engineering and technology focused programs aim to provide participants with the chance to hear from industry professional mentors and participate in hands-on activities. All girls programming is designed by girls for girls.

*By saying girls, we recognize and welcome all self-identifying girls including cisgender and transgender girls and gender-diverse students in STEM. We also encourage and welcome Indigenous girls, racialized girls, and girls with disabilities.

Girls Initiatives


Events take place on Carleton campus, participants will get to complete hands-on challenges both and hear from positive role models in STEM. Events cover various topics in engineering and technology.


Virtual Ventures offers all girls specialty summer camps. Camps offer a fun interactive way for girls to learn about various STEM topics. These camps include STEM Girls, Codemakers Girls and Engineering Girls.

Girl Guides Programs

Girl Guides units are able to participate in hands-on STEM activities to earn a Virtual Ventures badge. Units can also book evening workshops where girls will have the opportunities to learn about technology through a hands-on activity. To book an evening workshop please contact us at


Virtual Ventures also collaborates with existing girls initiatives to provide interactive STEM activities. Some of these partnerships include STEM clubs at schools, evening on-campus workshops and industry partnerships. To book a workshop for your organization please contact us at