Bachelor of Humanities graduates get good jobs. The skills Humanities students develop in research, writing, analyzing, and communicating lead to success in almost any career or field. Humanities graduate stand out in the workplace, and they normally rise very quickly in their chosen profession.

Career Paths for Humanities Graduates

Like other undergraduate degrees, Humanities is not a training program for one particular career. Instead, Humanities students become intellectually mature and confident, and are able to speak and write clearly and effectively. They are very good at learning new and complex tasks. They easily master the skills taught in a subsequent professional degree, postgraduate degree, or on-the-job. Consequently, they typically move quickly into positions of responsibility in their organisations.

Common Career paths for Humanities Graduates are:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Broadcasting, Media, and Journalism
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Education
  • Education at the University Level
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environment
  • Health
  • High-Tech
  • International Aid and Development
  • Law
  • Library and Archival Work
  • Medicine
  • Public Policy
  • Publishing
  • Science
  • Security — Intelligence

Humanities Alumni

For more complete information on Career paths followed by graduates of the Bachelor of Humanities, please visit our Alumni Careers page.

Academic Success

The career path of many Humanities graduates includes further academic study, which often takes place at a professional school, as in Law or Medicine. But an overwhelming number of Humanities graduates go on to further academic study, either at the M.A. or Ph.D. level and many have found careers in Academia.

Humanities students regularly excel in their studies. Approximately 80% of Bachelor of Humanities students graduate with High or Highest Honours, four times more than the Bachelor of Arts, and twice as many as the Bachelor of Science. This high level of academic achievement leads to success in scholarship applications and entrance to prestigious graduate schools.

Scholarship Recipients

  • Trudeau Scholarship — Two Humanities graduates won the most prestigious and competitive Scholarship in Canada to pursue a Doctoral degree, the Trudeau Scholarship, worth $60,000 per year, for up to four years.
  • Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship — Every year two or more Humanities graduates win this very competitive scholarship to pursue graduate work in diverse fields.
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarships — Humanities graduates have a very high success rate in winning lucrative Ontario Graduate Scholarships to pursue graduate degrees at Ontario Universities.
  • Doctoral Scholarships — Humanities graduates have successfully gained entrance to prestigious Ph.D. programs in the United States, which normally include a full tuition grant and up to $20,000 per year in living expenses.

Master’s Degrees

Humanities graduates regularly attain Master’s degrees in all Humanities subjects, such as English or Philosophy. But they also regularly attain Master’s Degrees in a much wider variety of fields.

  • Master of Infrastructure Protection and International Security, Carleton University
  • Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCAD University
  • Master of Museum Studies and Master of Information, Archives and Records Management, Book History, University of Toronto
  • Master of Public Administration, Queens University
  • Master of Law, Yale Law School
  • Master of International Relations and Affairs, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University

Doctoral Degrees

Many Humanities graduates have enrolled in Doctoral programs in various fields, at prestigious universities in Canada and abroad.

  • Harvard University
  • Oxford University
  • University of Chicago
  • London School of Economics
  • Boston University
  • McGill University
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Notre Dame
  • Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)

