The applications for Ipso Facto: The Carleton Journal of Interdisciplinary Humanities editor positions as well as positions for the Colloquium Organizational Committee are now open!

As most of you know, Ipso Facto is the academic journal run by BHUM students (more details and example of our first volume here. We edit and publish open-access student articles through the Carleton library, which also appear on Google Scholar. But what is the Colloquium? Before COVID, the College of Humanities would host an annual Colloquium, which held a series of student talks presenting their work. We are pleased to announce that this engaging event is being revived! While the Colloquium Organizational Committee will have its own student body, it will be run in collaboration with Ipso Facto. (To see an example of a colloquium, check out this link from the history department.

Please fill out this form to apply to be an editor, colloquium organizer, or to be considered for both. To be considered, you must be at least in your second year of study and to hold a GPA of at least 9.5.  If you are interested, please fill out form below. The due date to apply is Friday October 7th at 11:59 pm.

Ipso Facto Editor or Colloquium Organizer Application Form 2022

The following positions are open:

  • 2 second-year Ipso Facto editors
  • 1 third-year Ipso Facto editor
  • 2 fourth-year Ipso Facto editors
  • 3 Colloquium organizers (2nd year or higher)

Please send your form to or write us if you have any questions.