At this year’s spring convocation, more than 5,200 Carleton students from the class of 2024 are receiving degrees that recognize their many achievements and commitment to education. Carleton awards numerous medals to honour the dedication of Ravens who have excelled in their studies.

On June 7, 2024, Carleton’s Senate met to confer the degrees of the graduating class and announced this year’s winners. Continue reading to learn more about these inspiring students.

Maryna Nekrasova, Bachelor of Humanities (Combined Honours in Philosophy)

Maryna Nekrasova knew she wanted to pursue philosophy and was drawn to the College of the Humanities’ Great Books program. She realized that many of the texts that would be explored were ones she had long planned on studying outside of school.

A photo of Maryna Nekrasova

Maryna Nekrasova

“It allowed me to have a very broad education in just about everything I was interested in,” she says.

Nekrasova made the most of her time on campus, taking part in the Students as Partners Program, winning a Carleton University Research Opportunity grant, and completing an I-CUREUS research internship.

Her research opportunities allowed her to explore how cultural and philosophical factors influence people’s perspectives about artificial intelligence.

In 2022, she founded Ipso Facto: The Carleton Journal of Interdisciplinary Humanities, a student-run academic journal. In 2023, she organized the Humanities Annual Colloquium, won the Peter J. Ricketts Outstanding Provost Scholar Award, and represented the Humanities program on the Carleton Academic Student Government.

Nekrasova believes the College of the Humanities was the perfect place to pursue her academic ambitions.

“It was the right program for me, and it really led to such great outcomes,” she says. “I’m not sure I would have had the same kind of experience if I went somewhere else.”

Nekrasova will be undertaking a PhD program in Philosophy at McGill University this fall.

She encourages future students to not shy away from potential opportunities.

“If you have doubts about how competitive your application is, apply anyway because you may be surprised,” she says. “You might get it and it would lead to other really great things.”