Photo of Tijana  Djunisijevic

Tijana Djunisijevic

What is your favourite thing about the College?

My favourite thing about the college is the people I had the chance to meet. Through the years, my colleagues and I had the opportunity to explore the world’s most inspiring ideas together. We helped each other grow on this journey by uncovering new truths about ourselves and the world around us. I have formed friendships that will last a lifetime, and it was a privilege to be part of such a supportive community.

What will you miss the most?

I will miss discussions in the lounge after class. Between classes, my peers and I would have conversations about the material we had engaged with in class. These discussions would spark new ideas for my essays and stimulate a better understanding of class material. Outside of academia, the lounge was a place that allowed me to relax after a stressful day. It was a place where we could detach from the world and discuss what we loved most: books.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto.

What’s next for you?

Next year I will be pursuing an MA in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies at Carleton. One of the great features of the BHUMS program is that it has the option of combining the Humanities with another major at the University. Accordingly, I ended up pursuing a Combined Honours in Linguistics and Humanities. This way, I was able to explore my passions for books, language, and culture.