As soon as you register for your first class, you should apply for your Campus Card by submitting a photo!
Acceptable Photos
When taking your photo, think of the qualities of an acceptable passport image. One exception – we let you smile!
- Taken straight on with face, eyes, and shoulders centered and squared to the camera.
- Area from mid-chest to above top of head is fully visible.
- A neutral or smiling facial expression.
- You must be distinguishable from the background. (Tip: use a wall that is a solid, light colour!)
- In full colour with no filters or unnatural editing.
- In focus with no shadows, glare, or pixilation.
- No other people or objects may be in the photo.
- No head covering or sunglasses. Any items that are worn daily for religious or medical purposes are allowed. Please email if you wear head coverings that also cover the face daily for religious reasons.
By submitting a photo to the Campus Card Office via the Web Card Centre, you are declaring the uploaded photo is a true depiction of your current personal image (taken within 6 months). Submission of a false image may result in a replacement fee for your Campus Card ($19) and / or U-Pass ($25). Using your MyCarletonOne login incorrectly or falsely identifying yourself may also result in University policy infractions. The Campus Card Office reserves the right to reject any photo not in compliance with our guidelines, up to and including at the point of card pickup.
Unacceptable Photos
Still not sure if your photo meets the requirements? Compare it to some examples of unacceptable images!
Unacceptable BackgroundBackground is distracting. Try using a wall that is a solid, light colour. |
Face Not Direct to CameraMake sure you are directly facing the camera with your eyes open. |
Face Obstructed AND Bad CropHaving your hand or an object anywhere near your face is not allowed. You must be centered and visible from chest to above top of head. |
Photo Quality Too LowThis is a photo of another pre-existing image. Please only submit original images of yourself! |
Other People in PhotoThere is another person in this photo that cannot be cropped out. Face is also tilted. |
Photo Has Been AlteredThere is a filter on this image. Please only submit full colour images that have not been altered. |
Head Covering or SunglassesHead coverings and tinted glasses are not acceptable unless worn daily for religious or medical reasons. |
Facial Expression UnacceptableSmiling or neutral expressions only, please! Face is also tilted. |
Lighting UnacceptableGlare is visible on their glasses, and the overall image is dark. |