Potato is the largest vegetable crop in Canada. However, it is susceptible to numerous spoilage microorganisms including Fusarium species causing dry rot disease. The disease affects up to 60% of potato tubers during storage and causes up to 25% loss. Fusarium species also produce toxic compounds, which may pose a health risk. Chemical treatments (i.e., pesticide application) are typically used to control dry rot. Chemical treatments have drawbacks, including potential negative effects on health and the environment as well as development of antimicrobial resistance.

Serine Ramlawi (MSc graduate Chemistry/Food Science) and two undergraduate students from the Research Laboratory of Prof. Tyler Avis have published a scientific research paper on the potential of beneficial bacteria as alternatives to control spoilage of potatoes. The paper can be read here (https://rdcu.be/cdbei). For more information on the Avis Lab’s research, see https://carleton.ca/avislab/.