Lab exemptions can be offered to students who successfully passed the lab with a minimum of 50% in the lab within the past three years (For example, For Fall 2020 exemptions are valid from Fall 2017 onwards). A lab exemption would allow you to use your previous lab grade and only retake the course part of the course. Please note that there is no option to take part of the lab and then switch to lab exempt during the term or only repeat the lab portion. The deadline to apply for a lab exemption is the last day of registration. Late registration will not be granted.

To apply for a lab exemption, please submit an override for the G1 section of the course you would like lab exemption for. Please note in the comments which term and section you previously took the course (Ex. Fall 2019- CHEM 1001A). If you are eligible, you will receive an email to your Carleton email granting you permission into the G1 section. You must register in the course, tutorial and the G1 section before the last day of registration to qualify. Please note, if you enrolled in a lab section with less than 3 in-person labs, or an online lab section, you are not eligible to enroll in the lab exemption section.

Here are the steps you need to follow to submit a lab exemption.

  1. Login to Carleton Central and click on ‘Build Your Timetable/Registration’.
  2. Follow the steps linked here to build your timetable and add the course and lab to your schedule.
  3. Once you register for the lecture and lab, attempt to register for section G1 by changing the lab sections.
  4. When you attempt to register for Section G1, you will encounter a registration error. You will need to submit an override request for review. Please ensure that you mention the last term you completed the lab.
  5. This request will be reviewed by the Chemistry Department. If you have received a grade of 50% or higher in the past three years, your request will be approved. You will receive an autogenerated email updating you about the decision.
  6. If your request is approved, please ensure to register for Section G1 and drop from the lab section to be successfully exempted from the lab. You can do so by changing the lab sections without dropping the class.
  7. At the end, please check your schedule to ensure successful registration.

If you have further questions, please contact Please refer to the Registrar Office’s Webpage for registration support. For any registration-related inquiries, please contact the Registrar’s Office.