Check out the Carleton Co-op Salary Survey for the current reported hourly salaries of our co-op students.
- Purpose of Co-op Fees
Carleton is proud to offer students one of the best co-op programs in Canada and works hard to ensure that associated fees remain some of the lowest in Ontario. The fees paid by participating Co-op students cover the entire cost of delivering the Co-op Program. These costs include:
- Marketing Carleton’s Co-op program.
- Developing quality co-op job opportunities and maintain employer relationships.
- Designing, updating and delivering the COOP 1000 course, which prepares undergraduate students for their job search and the transition to work.
- Hosting employers on campus for information sessions, panels, networking events, mock interview blitzes, etc.
- Advisor-led meetings with students for one-on-one resume preparation and review, mock interviews, and career advising.
- Posting opportunities to the Co-op job Board, scheduling interviews, and sending out official job offers.
- Helping students with self-directed job searches.
- Supporting students on the job with workplace check-ins, site visits, and helping resolve potential issues.
- Program Cost - Undergraduate Students
For Undergraduate students, the overall cost of the Co-op Program is comprised of four administration fees and, when applicable, work term fees. To receive the Co-op Designation upon graduation, Undergraduate students must complete a minimum of three or four work terms (the number depends on the student’s academic program).
Cost of Admin and Work Term Fees for the 2024/25 Academic Year
Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Admin Fee $484.25 $484.25 $484.25 Work Term Fee $484.25 $484.25 $484.25
- Program Cost - Graduate Students
For Graduate Students, the overall cost of the Co-op Program is comprised of one administration fee and, when applicable, work term fees. To receive the Co-op Designation upon graduation, Graduate students must complete a minimum of two work terms.
Cost of Admin and Work Term Fees for the 2024/25 Academic Year
Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Admin Fee $484.25 $484.25 $484.25 Work Term Fee $484.25 $484.25 $484.25
- Co-op Fee Policy
Please note that students are responsible for paying their administration fees regardless of whether they are successful in obtaining work. For this reason, fees charged in previous terms are non-refundable.
Co-op Administration Fees
An administration fee charged for the current term will be refunded provided that the student has not committed to a work term and that withdrawal from the Co-op Program occurs by the term-specific deadlines below:
- The deadline to remove the Co-op option and receive a fall administration fee refund is September 30
- The deadline to remove the Co-op option and receive a winter administration fee refund is January 31
- The deadline to remove the Co-op option and receive a summer administration fee refund is May 31
To withdraw from the Co-op Program, a student must complete a “Request to Remove Co-op Option” form via mySuccess. Learn how to access mySuccess forms here.
Co-op Work Term Fees
A non-refundable fee is charged each time a Co-op student secures a work term. This fee is applied regardless of whether the position is obtained via the Co-op Job Board or via a self-directed job search. If a student chooses to complete extra work terms (i.e., more than is required for the Co-op Designation), the fee will still be charged.
For Co-op students receiving funding from government-run student financial aid programs such as OSAP, please be aware that registration changes made after funds are released can affect funding and funding eligibility. To avoid complications, students should seek advice from the Awards and Financial Aid Office prior to making changes.
- Scholarships
Undergraduate students are not eligible to draw upon scholarship funds during a work term period. Students must contact the Awards and Financial Aid Office before their work term begins to arrange for their scholarship(s) to be deferred.
Graduate Students who maintain full-time status will be able to draw upon scholarship and bursary funding. All TAs will be deferred to a later term, please ensure to complete a Leave from Duties Form if applicable.
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