Report |
Written by
Number |
A Framework for Creating Simulations To Study Human Goal-Driven Resource Use: The Island Game |
Jen Schellinck, Ken Webb, Andy Maloney, Robert L. West |
2025-1 |
Risk taking personality traits on affect processing during modified versions of the Iowa Gambling Task |
Courtney Humeny |
2016-02 |
A critical review of the false dichotomy surrounding the Iowa Gambling Task |
Courtney Humeny |
2016-01 |
Can Shape Predict An Emotional Response? Detecting the Valence of Blurry Words |
Felix Yisa |
2015-01 |
Putting Two and Two Together: Declines in Arithmetic Fluency among Young Canadian Adults, 1993
Jo-Anne LeFevre, Marcie Penner-Wilger, Aryn A. Pyke, Tina Shanahan, and Wendy Ann Deslauriers |
2014-01 |
Coincidence detection: Towards an alternative to synaptic plasticity |
Francis Jeanson |
2012-01 |
A model for information representation and retrieval in large organizations |
Arman Tajarobi |
2010-03 |
A holographic model of frequency and interference: Rethinking the problem size effect |
Matthew F. Rutlege- Taylor, Aryn A. Pyke, and Robert L. West |
2010-02 |
Dynamically Structured Holographic Memory for Recommendation |
Matthew F. Rutledge-Taylor, Andre Vellino & Robert L. West |
2010-01 |
Asexual Versus Sexual Reproduction in Genetic Algorithms |
Wendy Ann Deslauriers |
2006-09 |
Math and the Chinese Room |
Wendy Ann Deslauriers |
2006-08 |
Language Impairment in Autism |
Wendy Ann Deslauriers |
2006-07 |
La représentation en philosophie de l’esprit et en sciences cognitives- la contribution de la phénoménologie et des neurosciences selon H. Dreyfus |
Sylvain Pronovost |
2006-06 |
Of computations and dynamic systems – An overview of the dynamicist controversy in cognitive science |
Sylvain Pronovost |
2006-05 |
Naturalizing Ethics – Cognitive Science against Moral Relativism |
Sylvain Pronovost |
2006-04 |
The Semantics and Syntax of Null Complements |
Marie-Odile Junker, Robert Stainton, and Catherine Wearing |
2006-03 |
Subtraction and Negative Numbers: Examining the Problem Size Effect in Mixed Formats |
Runa Das |
2006-02 |
Developing an on-line Cree read-along with syllabics |
Radu Luchian and Marie-Odile Junker |
2006-01 |
Notes for the Development of a Philosophy of Computational Modelling |
Terrence C. Stewart |
2005-04 |
Two Cognitive Descriptions of Q-Learning |
Terrence C. Stewart and Sanjay Chandrasekharan |
2005-03 |
Epistemic Structure: An Inquiry into How Agents Change the World for Cognitive Congeniality |
Sanjay Chandrasekharan |
2005-02 |
Testing Paradigms in Aphasia Research: Methodological Remarks |
Vanja Kljajevic |
2005-01 |
Cognition and Psychological Scaling: Model, Method, and Application of Constrained Scaling |
Ronald L. Boring |
2004-10 |
Out of Mind, Out of Sight: An Introduction to Change Blindness |
Kathy Linton |
2004-08 |
Computing Frege’s Principle of Compositionality: An Experiment in Computational Semantics |
Kathy Linton and Neal Bouffard |
2004-07 |
The Hybrid Model of Arithmetic Problem Solution: The Whole is more than the Sum of its Parts |
Marcie Penner-Wilger |
2004-06 |
Just the Facts: On the Representation and Solution of Basic Arithmetic Facts in the Adult Mind/Brain |
Marcie Penner-Wilger |
2004-05 |
Using the RoboCup simulation environment to study the advantage of the environment contributing to cognition |
Sanjay Chandrasekharan |
2004-04 |
Epistemic Structure: How agents change the world for cognitive congeniality |
Sanjay Chandrasekharan |
2004-03 |
Solutions that change the world are not readily available |
Sanjay Chandrasekharan |
2004-02 |
Reactive agents learn to add epistemic structures to the world |
Sanjay Chandrasekharan and Terrence C. Stewart |
2004-01 |
Four Forms of Information |
Terrence C. Stewart and Andrew Brook |
2003-06 |
UML as a Cell and Biochemistry Modeling Language |
Ken Web and Tony White |
2003-05 |
Objects, Pilots, and the Act of Attending: A Conative Account of Visual Attention |
Jerzy Jarmasz |
2003-04 |
Non-referring Concepts |
Sam Scott |
2003-03 |
Revelation and Normativity in Visual Experience |
Zoltan Jakab |
2003-02 |
A Two-by-Two Matrix |
Andrew Brook |
2003-01 |
Semantic Web: A Distributed Cognition View |
Sanjay Chandrasekharan |
2002-13 |
Trust: A Distributed Cognition Approach |
Sanjay Chandrasekharan |
2002-12 |
Numerical Competence in Non-Human Primates: A Review of Indicators |
Carla Krachun |
2002-11 |
Are Apes Conscious? An Overview of Inconclusive Evidence |
Carla Krachun |
2002-10 |
Determining the Locus of Individual Differences in Mathematical Skill: A Tri-level Hypothesis Approach |
Marcie Penner-Wilger |
2002-09 |
Development of Methods for Measurement of the Integrity of Dopaminergic Pathways in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease |
Edina Torlakovic and Bruce Hutcheon |
2002-08 |
Integrating Perceptual Organization and Attention: A New Model For Object-Based Attention |
Jerzy Jarmasz |
2002-07 |
Using Affordances in Electronic Chinese/English Dictionaries for Non Chinese-Speakers |
Karel Svoboda and Robert West |
2002-06 |
Can Cognitive Modeling Improve Rapid Prototyping? |
Robert L. West and Bruno Emond |
2002-05 |
Decomposing the Mean in the Problem-size Effect: An Investigation of Response Time Distributions for a Multiplication Production Task |
Marcie Penner-Wilger, Craig Leth-Steensen, Brenda L. Smith-Chant, and Jo-Anne LeFevre |
2002-04 |
The OCP and NoBanana: Philosophical and Empirical Reasons to Ban Constraints from Linguistic Theory |
Charles Reiss |
2002-03 |
A Formal Analysis of the False-Belief Task |
Leo Ferres |
2002-02 |
Brief Report on the Effects of Colour and Target Location in the Lavie and Driver Object-based Attention Paradigm (Revised Version) |
Jerzy Jarmasz |
2002-01 |
Towards the Integration of Perceptual Organization and Visual Attention: The Inferential Attentional Allocation Model |
Jerzy Jarmasz |
2001-08 |
Color Experience: Empirical Evidence Against Representational Externalism |
Zoltan Jakab |
2001-07 |
Chimpanzee Theory of Mind: A Proposal from the Armchair |
Sam Scott |
2001-06 |
The Psychological Implausibility of Naturalized Content |
Sam Scott |
2001-05 |
Linguistic Interpretation and Cognitive Science |
Rob Stainton |
2001-04 |
Varieties of Supervenience |
Sanjay Chandresekharan |
2001-03 |
Atomism, Anti-representationalism and a Sketch of an Alternative |
Andrew Brook |
2001-02 |
Commentary on Alex Barber, “Concepts, Conceptions and Conceptual Change” |
Sam Scott |
2001-01 |