Almost two years ago Tamarack launched its 1,000 Conversations Campaign to explore people’s experiences of community across Canada. This journey has introduced us to many incredible people who shared beautiful stories of communities coming together in times of need and opportunity. These stories, and the insights they have generated, have been shared as blogs on and through these quarterly newsletters.

As Tamarack wraps up the 1000 Conversations Campaign as a stand-alone project, we are documenting the project and its findings in a Report that will be available soon.

Into the future Tamarack will be continuing to explore and deepen our understanding of community and will also continue to partner
with local communities to host Community Conversations as part of Deepening Community, a movement focused on building a shared understanding of the unique role of community as a driver for social change. The learnings gleaned from the 1,000 Conversations Campaign will inform and shape this work. Learn more at:

This final newsletter of the 1,000 Conversations Campaign reviews the 200+ conversations that have been held and documented in order to identify and profile actions that help to build and foster a deeper sense of community.

In this Issue…

  • Insights for Deepening Community
    • Self-Awareness and Self-Care
    • The Need and Value of Storytelling
    • Habits and Rituals That Weave Us Together
    • Opportunities to Shift Culture
  • 1,000 Conversations Wrap-Up: Where to From Here?
  • Campaign Animator Closing Reflections

Read the Newsletter here

Thank you for joining us in this journey to, together, learn how to deepen and strengthen community. We are very excited about the next chapter in Tamarack’s ongoing work to make community a central organizing principle and a guiding force for positive social change. To continue learning with us, become a member of the learning community.