Cathleen Kneen has forwarded this event, which some of you may be interested in!

The Festival of Dangerous Ideas: Food For Thought is a dynamic event which will explore our relationship with our food system through the convergence of music, art and conversation. Our day-long festival on November 15th in Toronto will examine some ‘dangerous ideas’ about industrial agriculture, genetically modified organisms and the unsustainable nature of our current food system. Throughout the day, speakers will present new ways of thinking that can support the transition towards earth democracy, a just food system, and a world beyond pesticides. After an afternoon of engaging with academics, agricultural activists and NGO moguls, we will gather for a tapas reception and a keynote presented by the revolutionary Dr. Vandana Shiva. At night, we will put on our dancing shoes and enjoy a proper dance party, consisting of local producers and DJs.

What’s so dangerous about ideas? They have the power to change the world!

There is a link for tickets on the website.