February 28, 2-3pm EST

Register at https://socialmedia4engagement.eventbrite.ca

In this webinar, Stephanie Butler, Community Engagement Manager at the University of Guelph, will share resources, case studies and tricks for building a social media strategy that emphasizes engagement and network-building. This session will cover strategies for setting up accounts, defining goals, planning and creating content, engaging with other institutions and users, and measuring outcomes. This is meant as a quick tour of social strategy aimed at novice to intermediate audiences. The webinar will focus primarily on Twitter, and will include both a presentation and time for questions.

This event is co-sponsored by ICES (@ICESGuelph), CFICE (@CFICECan) and CASCL (@CSLCanada)

Presenter Bio:

Stephanie Butler is a community-focused writer and volunteer. In her position as Community Engagement Manager at the University of Guelph, she supports the University’s BetterPlanet Project campaign and works to bring the University and the City closer together. Previously, she built and executed the social media strategy for the U of G’s Alumni Affairs & Development department, where she worked with a team to plan and manage social media content. Stephanie holds a degree in Media Studies and a diploma in Journalism, earned jointly through the University of Guelph-Humber. Follow her on Twitter via @BetterPlanetUoG and @writingquirky.

Companion guide

A CFICE partner, the Institute for Community Engaged Scholarship has contributed “A Guide to Social Media for engagement and Knowledge Mobilization.   Wide distribution is the goal of this direct, clear, and comprehensive guide useful to those of us wanting to use social media but not sure where to start.  A Guide to Social Media for distribution