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The HR Council has a valuable online resource centre for people with a passion for nonprofits, especially those who are recently graduated or switching careers.

 The “Working in Nonprofits” webpage includes an extensive list of job boards, digital guides, and other useful websites relating to careers in nonprofit organizations. It also has video and written profiles of a diverse range of people working in Canadian nonprofits.

 The most interesting element is its “Career Explorer” tool, for visitors to navigate the types of jobs commonly available, the education and experience required for those jobs, and the availability of work across the sector.

 Career Explorer offers “access point” questions for visitors to find the most relevant information to them. Visitors can choose from a range of questions, for example “I am a recent graduate. What can I do with my degree?” and, “Are my skills easily transferrable to a different job in the sector?” These question prompts reduce an overwhelming amount of information into a more manageable, personalized format.

 This page is a fantastic starting point for anyone interested in doing nonprofit-related work. It paints a realistic picture of the sector, and inspires visitors with advice, resources, and examples of what a nonprofit career can look like.

 Interested job-hunters can also watch a series of webinars on topics including community service learning, careers in the nonprofit sector, and job hunt strategies.

 Visit the site here: