It has been 35 years since the first food bank opened in Canada, 22 years since questions about household food insecurity first appeared on national surveys, and 10 years since we began systematically monitoring this problem in Canada. Over this period, research has been conducted to describe the extent of the problem, who is affected, health and other consequences, and the lived experience of food insecurity. There have also been critical examinations of current responses and policy directions.

The Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada 2016 conference will take stock of current knowledge gaps towards forging an agenda for future research that will lead to more effective responses to food insecurity in Canada.

This conference is scheduled to take place November 17-18, 2016 in the Hart House at University of Toronto. The program will include a mix of panel discussions as well as presentations on current research. Please submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations on topics related to understanding the causes and consequences of and responses to food insecurity in Canada, and the translation of food insecurity research into policy and practice. All relevant abstracts are welcome and will be considered.

SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Submit your abstract on-line in accordance with on-line stated requirements at

Abstract submission deadline: July 15, 2016