The Engage 2016 conference, presented by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement on November 29 and 30th in Bristol, will celebrate the diversity of engaged practice across the UK. The conference will provide an opportunity both to take stock and to move forwards with engagement work. Encouraging new ways of thinking about engagement and how to support it, the conference will provide stimulation and challenge, inspiring attendees to develop quality practice.

Drawing on excellent practice from across different disciplinary traditions, and different local, national and global contexts, the conference will provide an opportunity to consider the hall marks of high quality engagement, and the potential outcomes and impacts of doing engagement well. It will enable us to consider how engagement is supported and how we can cultivate a culture where engagement is embedded across all aspects of our work.

Call for Contributions: Submit by September 13, 2016

Engage 2016 is currently inviting contributions to the conference. They are looking for workshops, interactive experiences, dialogue events, performances, and conversations that catalyse new ways of thinking. Contributions must contribute to one or more of the following themes:

  • Culture change: creating a culture where engagement is valued and supported
  • Effective practice: sharing insights into high quality engagement practice
  • Engaged research: creating impactful research
  • Engaged students: the role of engagement within teaching and learning
  • New ideas: taking our thinking forward about the role of engagement within higher education

Contributions can be formatted as either a 1 hour workshop; or a 10 minute interactive contribution. Please describe how you will make your contribution engaging and relevant to our delegates. Ten minute contributions can be story telling; demonstrations; performances; presentations etc. Please note that these contributions will be combined to create 30 minute sessions involving 2 contributions – with the extra 10 minutes for questions and discussion.

For more information, please visit the conference website.