Food Secure Canada's logo of an apple in three pieces.November has been a busy month for our partner, Food Secure Canada. Check out what they’ve been up to in their work to advance Food Sovereignty in Canada!

1) PROOF Conference: Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada (November 17-18, 2016)

On November 17 and 18 in Toronto, almost 200 researchers and advocates from Canada and abroad met at the first PROOF conference, Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada, to discuss one of the most intractable issues facing our country: the growing number of Canadians who have trouble putting food on the table.

Read the conference takeaways by visiting Food Secure Canada’s website.

Details of the event and recordings of the plenaries are available too!

2) Webinar on Sustainable Diets and Canada’s Food Guide (hosted by Food Secure Canada November 29, 2016)

This webinar provided an overview of sustainable diets that can promote both human and environmental health. Panelists explored a number of questions including: What are the different dimensions of sustainability – environmental, economic social? How these can be developed into dietary guidance? What are the key elements of Brazil and Qatar’s dietary guidelines? What can we learn from efforts in other countries to include sustainability principles that failed? How can nutrition experts, climate and sustainable agriculture advocates dialogue and work together on this issue?

Watch the recording, view the slides, and learn more about the online consultation on Canada’s Food Guide.

3) Policy brief: A Call for a Focus On Farm Renewal, Business Development & Labour In the Next Agriculture Policy Framework (from Food Secure Canada)

There is a growing interest in agriculture as a career from a diverse group of new farmers, and many are succeeding in developing successful farm businesses. However more needs to be done to ensure a sustainable and resilient future for Canadian Agriculture.

Check out Food Secure Canada’s new policy brief on renewing the farming business in Canada.