by Carly Foubert, CFICE Communications RA
What did you do with the old batteries when tested and changed the smoke detector and TV remote controls? When you upgraded your cell phone, what did you do with your old one? What about your retired desktop computer and monitor? Did you know that old electronics and batteries can be recycled? Well, now you do.
There are many parts of electronics and batteries that can be disassembled and recycled, don’t just throw them in the trash. The City of Ottawa has an online resource to determine where hazardous waste and special items are disposed. Batteries and various electronics are included.
Earth911 is another resource that allows users to find recycling locations for many materials. It allows you to search based your postal code so you have the ability to recycle wherever you are.

As an alternative to recycling some phone companies offer trade-in deals when you purchase a new phone. So you can possibly save money on your new phone by trading in your old phone. That way the company producing the phone can dispose and recycle it so you don’t have to worry about what to do with it or where to recycle it.
Or you could sell or donate old electronics that are still in working condition online or at second hand stores. Someone else could reuse what you no longer use. Some non profit organizations accept donated electronic devices that they repurpose or use to receive funding.
For example Cell Phones for Soldiers and National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.