by Carly Foubert, CFICE Communications RA

December is a baking month, there’s no doubt about that. And while I’m definitely not about to tell you to go out and purchase an energy efficient oven for today’s tip, we are going to let you in on a few great tricks to being environmentally sustainable when you’re baking. Here are 5 ways you can be more environmentally sustainable in the kitchen. 

The environmental kitchen1. Multitask by using all the racks

You’ve got a lot of oven space, so maximize it. Cook dinner and dessert at the same time! That lasagna, tray of vegetables, and the apple pie will all fit, I promise.

2. Keep the Door closed!

We’ve all done it, we just want to take a peek at our chocolate chip cookies, are they done yet? Nope, and you’ve just opened the door which lowered the oven temperature by approximately 25 degrees so now it has to get back up to temperature. Keep the door shut from now on, okay?

3. Think about the dishes and the benefits of using a particular type of dish

Did you know that glass and ceramic dishes retain and insulate heat better than metal dishes? Now you know! While metal dishes conduct heat better, meaning they heat up faster, they lose heat faster. With this in mind, it is important to know when it’s better to use one versus the other. It’s also to remember that because glass and ceramic insulate better they are more energy efficient and require less heat.

4. See you later parchment paper

Who doesn’t love love muffins? They’re like mini healthy cakes so you can totally justify eating more than one. Plus, you can eat them for breakfast without judgement! Next time you make a batch of muffins instead of using paper wrappings try some reusable silicone baking cups. Or instead of lining a pan with parchment paper, use vegetable oil to make it nonstick.

5. Timing is important!

Cook at off peak times to save on your energy bill. Research when off-peak times are where you are located. Ontario, here is yours.