by Jenna Snelgrove, Community Environmental Sustainability (Peterborough-Haliburton) hub RA

As the CFICE Research Assistant for Haliburton Highlands Land Trust and Abbey Gardens I am creating educational events that highlight the natural features and land stewardship activities of each of these organizations. In order to gain a better appreciation of their unique properties, recently I have been able to complete biomonitoring activities at two locations maintained by the Land Trust to assess the health of the amphibian populations in these areas.

A young woman stands in front of a tree wrapped with a pink ribbon, marking it for biomonitoring purposes.

Jenna Snelgrove conducting Biomonitoring in the Haliburton Highlands. ©Jenna Snelgrove

Upcoming tasks of mine include the creation of four new event packages to allow the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust and Abbey Gardens to encourage community engagement and stewardship activities within the Haliburton region. These events will be focused around each season throughout the year and they include: salamanders, mammal tracks and signs, tree identification, and leeks and ephemerals.

It is my hope that this project will enable the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust and Abbey Gardens to generate even more public interest and knowledge about the outstanding stewardship practices they accomplish. By receiving the opportunity to work on a project such as this, I am learning the value of community partnerships whilst working toward the common goal of environmental education.