by Amanda Wilson, Community Co-lead of the CCE Brokering (FS) Working Group

— This article was first posted on Food Secure Canada’s Website January 26, 2017. Link to the full article here

Portrait of Amanda Wilson, Community co-lead of the CCE Brokering Food Sovereignty Working Group.

Amanda Wilson, Community co-lead of the CCE Brokering Food Sovereignty Working Group.

January 18-19, 2017 CFICE (Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement) held a two day Symposium in Ottawa to reflect on the learnings and outcomes of their research into community-campus engagement. CFICE is an action research project aimed at understanding how community-campus partnerships can be designed and implemented to maximize the value created for non-profit, community-based organizations.  Food Secure Canada has been an active partner in CFICE, first as a co-lead on the Food Security Hub in Phase 1 of the project, and now co-leading a Working Group on Community-Academic Partnership Brokering (to see a list of all the Hubs in Phase 1 and current Working Groups). The Symposium was a unique opportunity to meet with other community organizations and academics involved in the project, and to learn from their experiences with community-campus engagement.

What is Community-Campus Engagement you ask? Well the short answer is that it depends who you talk to! Generally speaking, Community-Campus Engagement (CCE) speaks to the various forms of partnerships, relationships and collaborations that are established between higher education institutions (including students, faculty members and staff) and community-based organizations. One of the key questions guiding CFICE is how to build and strengthen CCE in a way that adds value to, and meets the needs of, not only academic partners, but community partners as well.  What does CCE looks like from a “community-first” perspective?

Read the full article on Food Secure Canada’s website.