by Anna Przednowek, Violence Against Women Hub RA

Canadian Press photo of the Ontario Court House sign.

©Canadian Press

We are happy to share that earlier this summer Leighann Burns, Executive Director of Harmony House and a Violence Against Women (VAW) Hub Steering Committee member and community partner, received a $400,000 federal grant to study the state of family law in Canada.

As part of the project, Leighann and key partners will look at best practices outside of the country, collaborate with advocates, survivors, lawyers and academics to get their views, and revise family law courses at the University of Ottawa.

Harmony House banner made up of multiple different photos of women.

©Harmony House

A primary goal of the project is to train lawyers and law students to be more effective advocates in family court.

We look forward to reporting more on this exciting project as it unfolds.

For more information on the Harmony House project in the news please check out this CBC article.