Mohawk College, the City of Hamilton and the City of Burlington will partner to coordinate efforts to tackle climate change in the Hamilton and Burlington area, while developing and sharing best practices across Ontario and beyond. The Centre for Climate Change Management will demonstrate how a regional approach to climate action in Ontario can support the emissions reduction goals of the Province. Please see the attached link for media coverage of this exciting initiative:

To lead this exciting new venture, the Executive Director will need to be a strategic, visionary leader, with the ability to identify and action new opportunities and inspire staff, partners, industry and community stakeholders to accelerate climate action in the region.

Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities:

–      Develop strategic and operating plans for the CCCM;

–      Provide operational leadership, structure and processes to realize the goals of the CCCM;

–      Develop, maintain and leverage relationships with partners, government, and other stakeholders to further the goals of the CCCM;

–      Promote the CCCM by communicating its objectives and results and advocating on its behalf; and

–      Ensuring the coordination and coherence of the Centre’s various projects.

For more information about the position, please view the full job ad. Applications will be accepted until July 28, 2017.