by Nadine Changfoot, Katie Caddigan, Jason Hartwick, and Tessa Nasca

Katie Caddigan and Jason Hartwick, Stewart Street residents, and Tessa Nasca and Nadine Changfoot, researchers at Trent University and members of CFICE, met to discuss and reflect on what participating on the ANC Stewart Street – Peterborough project provided them six months after the project’s completion. Overall, the neighbourhood strengthened its vision for infrastructure and activity, new friendships and connections were made, neighbourhood pride increased, and similar projects for downtown neighbourhoods have been identified. And, Tessa completed her Masters in Sustainability Studies from Trent University engaging in this project also as an embedded Research Assistant.

“I learned a lot about myself; working on ANC improved the knowledge I have when I speak about community and what that means. The community voice needs to be heard,” said Jason.

For Katie, it was important for “getting out there and talking to other people; [ANC] got me out of my comfort zone.” She noted: “I’ve grown as a person,” and she knows “that there are other people out there that care for our neighbourhood where we live.”

(From left to right) Tessa Nasca, Katie Caddigan, Nadine Changfoot, and Jason Hartwick meet to discuss the ANC Peterborough Project.

Tessa Nasca, Katie Caddigan, Nadine Changfoot, and Jason Hartwick meet to discuss the ANC Peterborough Project.

Given the Neighbourhood Vision created by the project, Tessa and all say they have high hopes for it and its influence on the redesign of the main city streets that border the neighbourhood over the next year.

Nadine says “it was so very important to recognize the importance of downtown neighbourhoods and to support them as spaces of vitality.”

There is preparation underway by Brianna Salmon, Executive Director of GreenUP, to apply for funding to create neighbourhood portraits and visions with more downtown Peterborough neighbourhoods inspired by the Active Neighbourhoods Canada model.