presentation-1794128_1280_thumbDespite what the name and definition of ‘webinar’ might have you believe (i.e. “web-based seminar”), webinars aren’t just seminars presented in an online environment. Of course, many have jumped on the webinar bandwagon with the idea that they can easily translate an in-person presentation to a webinar platform. But the major difference between an in-person presentation and a webinar presentation is the ability to engage with a human being in the flesh.

We humans are much more engaged when there is a physical person in front of us. Communication through technology, on the other hand, distances us from the speaker and provides countless opportunities to become distracted. For these reasons, we need to change the way we present webinars to ensure audiences are engaged with our content.

This document delves into the most effective ways to design, present, and evaluate your webinar to maximize audience learning and engagement.

Click on the image below to open the document. Don’t have time to read the full thing? Skip to the appendices for some quick and dirty tips on organizing and presenting webinars or check out our plain language podcast for a brief review of the report contents!

Download a copy of the podcast transcriptPodcast written and recorded by Carly Foubert, CFICE Communications RA. Click the image below to open the full report.
