Academics Without Borders, in partnership with Academica Group, invites submissions for a unique new conference, Reaching Across Borders, Building a Better World: The impact of Canada’s colleges and universities on global development.

To be held on November 5-7, 2018 in Montreal, the conference is very proud to have the support of Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the International Development Research Centre and our founding partner Navitas.

The conference will assemble experts from Canada and around the world to explore the core role that universities and colleges, their faculty and staff have to play in social innovation, cross-country collaboration, global development, and the economic and social well-being of all the world’s citizens.

Postsecondary institutions based in the developing world can play a key role in creating healthier, wealthier, and more just societies. Canadian universities and colleges are important partners in this process, working hand-in-hand with these institutions, as well as governments, schools, and private/public sector institutions to build a better world for all. It is with these efforts in mind that the conference will bring together faculty, government officials, corporations, NGOs, students, and postdoctoral researchers from around the globe to learn from these collaborations in order to generate innovative new solutions.

We welcome for consideration submissions that discuss the broader themes of global development and the role that postsecondary institutions and professionals can play in it.

We also invite submissions that touch more specifically on the following topics:

  • Access to quality higher education
  • Strengthened institutional governance, management, and teaching
  • Social innovation/enterprise development
  • Work and economic growth
  • Gender equity
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Functional cities and other necessities of a civil, prosperous society

The conference will include interactive workshops that will examine new approaches to the creation and maintenance of international partnerships with developing world higher education institutions and facilitate the co-creation of new ways to address challenges facing academic institutions across the globe.

Who should submit?

We are inviting submissions from faculty, professional staff and graduate students who individually or as a group have been involved in global development projects whose stories they are eager to share.

Final deadline for submissions: 11:59pm Eastern Time (GMT -04:00) August 17, 2018

For more details regarding submissions, please see the full call for submissions.