On March 21, 2019, CFICE and Community-Campus Engage Canada, with the support of Simon Fraser UniversityUniversity of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation (UWCRC), McConnell Foundation, and the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, presented Community-Campus Partnerships for Social Infrastructure: Lessons from Simon Fraser University and the University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation.

This webinar explored how to work in community-campus engagements to shift and support social infrastructure development in Canada.

The guiding questions for this webinar included:

  • What kinds of social and green real estate projects are possible?
  • How can we structure effective community-campus governance and project-management bodies?
  • What combination of financial instruments and sources can be used to finance social infrastructure?

Video Link and Resources

If you missed out on the day-of presentation, not to worry. We’ve made it accessible below.

You can access some additional resources below.

  1. Andrew Petter: The new community builders: universities, colleges and institutes are vital source of social infrastructure: https://bit.ly/2Ee4Rrm
  2. Catalyst for Sustainability: The Achievements, Challenges, Lessons and Prospects of the University of Winnipeg
    Community Renewal Corporation: https://bit.ly/2VpfjmX
  3. Maximizing the Capacities of Advanced Education Institutions to Build Social Infrastructure for Canadian Communities: https://bit.ly/2H7pSqS


Moderator, Edward (Ted) Jackson: Ted Jackson is a university professor, management consultant and author specializing in community-university partnerships, social finance, social enterprise and program evaluation. A former associate dean and tenured faculty member in public policy at Carleton University, he has advised foundations, development agencies, governments, universities and non-profits in all regions of the world.

Andrew Petter, C.M., Q.C., President of Simon Fraser University: Andrew Petter is President and Vice Chancellor of Simon Fraser University. From 1991 to 2001, he served as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia and held numerous cabinet portfolios, including Advanced Education and Intergovernmental Relations. Since becoming President, he has overseen the implementation of a Strategic Vision that seeks to distinguish SFU as Canada’s “engaged university defined by its dynamic integration of innovative education, cutting edge research, and far-reaching community engagement.” In 2018, he was appointed to the Order of Canada in recognition of his national leadership in advancing university-community engagement and higher education.

Sherman Kreiner, Managing Director of UWCRC and UWCRC 2.0: A community economic development practitioner for nearly 40 years, Sherman Kreiner has served as Managing Director of the University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation since 2005 and of its associated non-profit, UWCRC 2.0, since 2016. He has led the construction of more than $200 million in green, social real estate projects, including a mixed-use, mixed-income residential tower, and the growth of a food-services social enterprise with 100 employees. A former member of the Board of Regents of the University of Winnipeg and a founding director of the University of Winnipeg Foundation, in 2013 he received UW’s 100th Convocation Award for exemplary service to the University.