Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

WEBINAR: Increasing Student and Non-Profit Readiness for Community-Campus Engagement Placements

January 31, 2019 at 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Location:Online - Register to join!
Key Contact:Nicole Bedford

There is a natural and ever-increasing need expressed by students in Canada’s colleges and universities to have meaningful learning and research opportunities with real-life communities and workplaces. Non-profit and community groups need core support for their own work and also to support student placement. Governments and campuses are creating policies to increase work-integrated and volunteer opportunities for students and more community engagement as a whole. However, the major gap is the lack of support for non-profit and community groups, including indigenous communities to absorb and support students and researchers alike.

On January 31, 2019 from 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM EST, join us for Increasing Student and Non-Profit Readiness for Community-Campus Engagement Placements.

Presented by CFICE and Community-Campus Engage Canada, with the support of Trent University, University of Toronto’s Centre for Community Partnerships, the Trent Community Research Centre, and U-Links, this webinar explores student, campus and community capacities and readiness for mutually beneficial placements and partnerships within the context of community-campus engagement.

The guiding question for this webinar is: How can the CCE movement increase student experiential learning and community research opportunities from the undergraduate to doctorate levels while also supporting non-profit readiness and capacity to include students and to be involved in co-designing or leading research and engagement work?

Webinar participants will learn how community-campus practitioners—Faculty, Students, and Community leaders—are supporting efforts that help address this question. Together with webinar participants, presenters will identify concrete suggestions for how we can increase student- community placements for mutual and societal benefit in Canada.  

Join Us!  Participants from campus and community settings and from the many CCE offices across Canada are welcome to join in and share their own ideas and experiences and join CCEC’s growing national network and community of practice.

Level: Beginner – Attendees do not need any prior experience or knowledge of community-campus engagement.

Length: 1 hour

Attendance is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot today!


Moderator, Isabelle Kim, Director, University of Toronto Centre for Community Partnerships (CCP): Isabelle and her team at the CCP work in partnership with students, staff, faculty, communities, and non-profit and public organizations to catalyze and sustain socially-responsive CEL and CER. Isabelle will moderate the discussion, and focus the questions for presenters on student and non-profit organizations’ perspectives on: critical issues of access and preparedness to participate in CEL/R opportunities; and the kinds of structures and systems needed to sustainably and equitably increase these opportunities in a way that will result in positive impacts for both student learning and community.

Stephen Hill, Associate Professor, Trent University – Stephen has been the academic lead for CFICE’s Student Pathways working group. With financial support from Trent University and eCampus Ontario his team created new open-access community-based research and experiential training modules for students as a means of teaching students the necessary skills for working in a community-campus engagement project.

Lisa Mort-Putland, Executive Director of Volunteer Victoria and National Board member, Volunteer Canada – Lisa will share Volunteer Victoria and Volunteer Canada’s experiences with the increasing national demand for student-community placements and ideas on how to increase and support non-profit readiness to include students while increasing the sector’s role in influencing higher education research and engagement.

Kawsar Mohamed, Student, Carleton University  Kawsar is a research assistant with CFICE and CCEC and very active in her own community. She will share her experiences and perspectives on how community-campus partnerships could meet the differing needs and align the interests of both student and community partners.