Research Focus

At CRIW we seek to conduct research that supports the workplace inclusion and advancement of peoples of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations. Among other activities, this may include studies that support the advancement of women, the recognition of a range of masculinities, or the inclusion of LGBTQ2+ individuals in the workplace.

Within CRIW’s research stream, The Influence of Gender at Work, some studies and/or researchers may focus on individuals of only one gender identity, while others may approach gender through an intersectional lens. Regardless of the specific approach taken, the belief that organizations will miss out on committed employees, innovative ideas, and attractive opportunities if they do not adopt inclusive hiring practices and offer workplace cultures, career paths and benefits that are attractive to all employees, regardless of gender identity.

“I am working on research that exposes the gendered nature of organizational structures and practices. I hope this supports individuals in crafting their own unique life path that allows them to successfully integrate their personal and work lives.”

Dr. Merridee Bujaki, Professor of Accounting, Sprott School of Business

Research projects

2021 Project Title Project Lead (PI)
Gendered Organizational Culture in Innovation – An Integrative Review Dr. Lorraine Dyke
2019 Project Title Project Lead (PI)
Empowering Women through Management Education: 25 years of Leadership Stories in Canada’s National Capital Region Dr. Merridee Bujaki
Women Entrepreneurs’ Networking Behavior and Entrepreneurial Success Dr. Lorraine Dyke
2018 Project Title Project Lead (PI)
‘Hiring a Chief Executive Officer: Does gender still matter?’ Dr. Janet Mantler
‘Engineering Gender: A study of university-based gender socialization practices and their impact on female engineering students’ Dr. Angela Dionisi
‘Women, Entrepreneurship, and Alternative Housing’ Dr. Daniel Rosenblatt
2017 Project Title Project Lead (PI)
‘Women and Entrepreneurship: The Role of Postsecondary Pedagogy in Shaping Identity, Values, and Aspirations’ (abstract) Dr. Leighann Neilson
‘Getting by with a little help from our friends? The role of women’s friendships in perceptions of work-family conflict and role balance’ (abstract) Dr. Bernadette Campbell
‘Decision-making among dual career military couples’ (abstract) Victoria Fraser
2016 Project Title Project Lead (PI)
‘Women, Work, and Non-Professional International Mobility’ (abstract) Dr. Luciara Nardon
‘Academic Women at Work: The Implications of Health and Caregiving over the Life-Course on Productivity and Career Trajectory’ (abstract) Dr. Merridee Bujaki
‘The Postdoc—The Leak for Women in the Pipeline?’ (abstract) Dr. Renate Ysseldyk
2015 Project Title Project Lead (PI)
‘Sexual harassment spillover: The impact of gender harassment on the parenting experiences of working mothers’ (abstract) Dr. Angela Dionisi
‘Exploring the Gender-Salary –Expectations Gap: Back to the Drawing Board’ (abstract) Dr. Linda Schweitzer  
2014 Project Title Project Lead (PI)
‘Entrepreneurial Leadership Attributes: Developing a Gender-Neutral Vocabulary’ (abstract) Dr. Catherine Elliot
‘The Impact of female-focused SME interventions in advanced technology sectors’ Dr. Barbara Jayne Orser
‘How Female Child Protection Workers Understand the Opportunities and Constraints of their Day-to-Day Practice’ Dr. Melissa Redmond


If you are interested in knowing more about CRIW’s research activities or getting involved, please contact us at

Research Library

Report coverExploring the Gender-Salary-Expectations Gap: Back to the Drawing Board

Authors: Linda Schweitzer, Lisa Kuron
Publication type: Article
Keywords: Gender, Career expectations, Salary expectations
Status: Manuscript submitted

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report coverDo Employees’ Workplace Leadership Experiences Influence Romantic Partners? Workplace Leadership and the Work-Family Interface

Authors: Amanda McEvoy, Chelsie Smith, Kathryne Dupré
Publication type: Article
Keywords: Work-life interface, Romantic relationships, Workplace leadership, Abusive supervision, Laissez-faire leadership. Well-being
Status: Manuscript submitted

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report coverCare Work and Academic Motherhood: Challenges for Research and Tenure in the Canadian University

Authors: Yvonne James, Ivy Bourgeault, Merridee Bujaki, Stephanie Gaudet
Publication type: Working paper
Keywords: Academic motherhood, Care work, Tenure track, Discrimination, Family care
Status: Manuscript submitted

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report coverConflicting Accounts of Inclusiveness in Accounting Firm Recruitment Website Photographs

Authors: Merridee Bujaki, Sylvain Durocher, François Brouard, Leighann Neilson
Publication type: Article
Keywords: Diversity, Inclusiveness, Photographs, Accounting, Recruitment
Status: Published
Date: 2020

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report coverGendering Merit: How the Discourse of Merit in Diversity Disclosures Supports the Gendered Status Quo on Canadian Corporate Boards

Authors: Walid Ben-Amar, Merridee Bujaki, Bruce McConomy, Philip McIlkenny
Publication type: Article
Keywords: Board of directors, Gender diversity, Merit, Women on boards, Diversity disclosures, Canada
Status: Published
Date: 2020

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report coverA Leak in the Academic Pipeline: Identity and Health Among Postdoctoral Women

Authors: Renate Ysseldyk, Katharine H. Greenaway, Elena Hassinger, Sarah Zutrauen, Jana Lintz, Maya P. Bhatia, Margaret Frye, Else Starkenburg, Vera Tai
Publication type: Article
Keywords: Academia, Women, Postdoctoral, Social identity, Mental health
Status: Published
Date: 2019

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report cover“My Path has not been a Standard Path”: Academia as a Bourdieusian Field and How Assumptions of an Unencumbered Life Disadvantage Women

Authors: Merridee Bujaki, Ivy Bourgeault, Stephanie Gaudet
Publication type: Article
Keywords: Women academics, Gendered organizations, Life course, Bourdieu, Unencumbered
Status: Under Review

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report cover

Gender in the Business of Being Funny. Perspectives in Québec’s Francophone Comedy Industry

Authors: François Brouard, Christelle Paré
Publication type: Summary of Findings
Status: Published
Date: 2018

Highlights of Findings 

Report cover

Everywhere, Every Day Innovating: Women Entrepreneurs and Innovation

Clare Beckton, Janice McDonald, Maude Marquis-Bissonnette
Publication type: Report
Status: Published
Date: 2018

Full Report

Report cover

The Impact of Gender and Subtle Sexism on Perceptions of Transformational Leadership Style and its Effect on Employee Outcomes

Author: Ekaterina Martynova
Publication type: Thesis
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Gender, Work Engagement, Well-being
Status: Published
Date: 2016

Academic Abstract / Research Highlights

Report cover

Women’s Leadership Matters: The Impact Of Women’s Leadership In The Canadian Federal Public Service

Marika Morris
Publication type: Report
Status: Published
Date: 2016

Full Report

Report cover

A Force to Reckon With: Women Entrepreneurship and Risk

Clare Beckton, Janice McDonald, Samina M. Saifuddin, Umut Riza Ozkan
Publication type: Report
Status: Published
Date: 2016

Full Report

Report cover

The Essential Guide to Being Elected: Increasing Women’s Representation

Carleton University’s Centre for Women in Politics and Public Leadership
Publication type: Report
Status: Published
Date: 2015

Full Report

Report cover

Progress in Inches, Miles to go: A Benchmarking Study of Women’s Leadership in Canada

L. Pauline Rankin, Jennifer Stewart
Publication type: Report
Status: Published
Date: 2013

Full Report

Report cover

The Pathway Forward: Creating Gender Inclusive Leadership in Mining and Resources

Umut Riza Ozkan, Clare Beckton
Publication type: Report
Status: Published
Date: 2012

Full Report