Janet Mantler
Associate Professor, Director of the Centre for Initiatives in Education
Degrees: | Ph.D. (Windsor) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 4173 |
Email: | janet.mantler@carleton.ca |
Office: | A531 Loeb Building |
My research interests are in Organizational Psychology—the study of people at work. I care deeply about how workplaces can be improved in order to promote employee health and organizational well-being. My current research areas are:
Career transitions
When university students graduate and enter the workforce, they often retain their identity as a student for a while. I am investigating the conditions that influence graduates to develop an identity as someone who works. I’m also interested in transitions at mid-career. After some time in the workforce, people often feel discontented – what does it take to help these people move into a different and more satisfying career?
Mental health in the workplace
I’m working with a pan-Canadian team of researchers and organizational partners to understand when people take a leave of absence from work for mental health issues and what facilitates their return to work. We are approaching this research through a lens of intersectionality and examining mental health and leaves of absence for seven professions across Canada.
Implicit bias in the workplace
Recently my students and I have undertaken a series of studies to investigate the effect of implicit bias on hiring female leaders. We found that front line staff tend to prefer to work for female leaders, yet women are less likely to be promoted to leadership roles. We are interested in interventions to improve gender representation in leadership.
Representative publications and presentations
Nesdoly, N., Tulk, C., & Mantler, J. (2019). The effects of perceived professor competence, warmth, and gender on students’ likelihood to register for a course. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education doi:10.1080/02602938.2019.1689381
Mantler, J., Power, N., James, Y., Demers, C., Tulk, C., Young, C., & Bourgeault. (2019, November). “I’m a little too macho for that”: Mental health, gender, and leaves of absence in academia. Paper presented at the Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Tulk, C., & Mantler, J. (2019, November). The impact of accommodations on mental health stigma. Poster presented at the Work, Stress, and Health conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Marcu, C., Mantler, J., & Tulk, C. (2018, June). The modern advantage – Improving female candidates hireability? Poster presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal.
Tulk, C., Mantler, J., & Marcu, C. (2018, June). Hiring a leader: Does gender still matter? Poster presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal.
Mantler, J., Atanackovic, J., James, Y. Ahmed, N., Demers, C., & Bourgeault, I. L. (2018, October). Taking a mental health leave of absence: A pilot study examining occupation and gender differences. Paper presented at the 10th conference of the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, BC.
Ivey, G. W., Mantler, J., Blais, A-R., Kelloway, E. K., & Forest, J. (2018, June). Army leadership and morale study: Optimizing individual and group morale and behaviour through leadership. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal.
Uysal Irak, D. & Mantler, J. (2017). The role of temporal flexibility on person-environment fit and job satisfaction. Journal of Management and Organization. First On-line. doi:10.1017/jmo.2017.50
Mantler, J., Howard, A., & Guardado, R. (2017, June). The interaction of employability skills and self-control for improving the likelihood of career success for university graduates. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association. Toronto, ON.
Tulk, C., Mantler, J., Dupre, K., & Campbell, B. (2017, June). Gender differences in mid-career? A test of the Kaleidoscope career model. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association. Toronto, ON.
Dupre, K., Campbell, B., & Mantler, J. (2016, June). Midcareer disappointment or satisfaction: The roles of individual, family, and organizational factors. Poster presented at the Work and Family Researchers Network. Washington, DC
Mantler, J. (2016, May). Using cuPortfolio to highlight employability skills. Paper presented at Carleton University Active Engagement: Success in the classroom and beyond.
Ivey, G. W., Blanc, J-R. S., & Mantler, J. (2014). An assessment of the overlap between morale and work engagement in a non-operational military sample. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 20, 338 – 347. doi:10.1037/a0038559
Mantler, J., Godin, J., Cameron, S.J., & Horsburgh, M. E. (2013). Cynicism in hospital staff nurses: The effect of intention to leave and job change over time. Journal of Nursing Management. 23, 577 – 587. doi:10:1111/jonm.12183