The minor in Human Resources and Management for B.A. Honours Psychology was created cooperatively by the Department of Psychology and the Sprott School of Business with psychology students’ needs in mind! If you wish to learn more about management, human resources, and marketing, while also deepening your knowledge about psychology, then this minor will be perfect for you. It will give you that extra preparation before entering the workplace.

What requirements do I need to meet to select this minor?

  • Bachelor of Arts Honours student with a Major in Psychology.
  • Completed at least 4.0 credits toward your degree with a minimum overall CGPA of 7.00.
  • Successfully complete PSYC 2801, Introduction to Organizational Psychology, prior to entry into the minor with a minimum grade of B+.
  • You should also note that this minor has limited enrollment due to capacity constraints.

If I am accepted for this minor, which course will I need to take?

The minor in Human Resources and Management requires 5.0 credits. Two courses are in psychology and the rest are business courses. PSYC 2801 is required before you enter the program and PSYC 3801, Organizational Psychology II, is a prerequisite for all 4000-level BUSI courses listed in the Minor. Thus, you will want to take it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be able choose courses that focus on human resources, management, and marketing. The full minor is described below:

1) 1.0 credit from

PSYC 2801 (0.5) Organizational Psychology I, with a minimum grade of B+

PSYC 3801 (0.5) Organizational Psychology II

2) 1.0 credit from

BUSI 3102 Introduction to Human Resources Management

BUSI 3103  Introduction to Organization Theory

3) 2.0 credits from

BUSI 3104 Managing Individual Performance

BUSI 3105 Managing and Motivating Teams

BUSI 3106 Managing Conflict and Negotiation

BUSI 4104 Strategic Human Resources Management

BUSI 4105 Managing Change

BUSI 4112 Organizational Leadership

4) 0.5 credit in

BUSI2204 Basic Marketing

5) 0.5 credit from

BUSI 2800 Entrepreneurship

BUSI 3209 Consumer Behaviour