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How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Learn how to align your images and have text wrap around them

There are three simple steps that you can take to wrap text around an image.

b Add an image block to your page.

Image block

2. Add a paragraph block to your page.

paragraph block

3. Align the image left or right using the align option in the block context menu.

Example – Text and Image Wrapping

Marzipan halvah sugar plum dragée topping lemon drops. Cake gingerbread cookie caramels brownie sweet pie brownie. Cupcake candy canes jujubes chupa chups macaroon cookie cake.

Topping jelly sugar plum wafer sesame snaps. Muffin dessert candy cake sweet roll bear claw. Chocolate bar tiramisu halvah candy canes candy canes chocolate bar.

Chocolate bar danish dessert sweet roll muffin cotton candy pastry toffee powder. Macaroon danish soufflé apple pie jelly soufflé. Bear claw fruitcake dragée gummi bears bear claw gingerbread. Brownie pudding gummi bears donut tiramisu oat cake marzipan cake bonbon.

Video Tutorial