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Module 1.1 – Advanced: Advanced Content: Events

Event posts are used for listing events in chronological order, complete with information about when and where it is taking place, who is in charge of the event, and where you can get more information.

Here is an example of an event.

Screenshot of an event post type


Add an Event

1. From the dashboard, hover over Events, and click Add New in the lefthand navigation bar.

2. Click Add a Title to give your event a name.

Screenshot of event banner

3. Click the arrow near the bottom right of the screen to edit Event Options.

Open event options

Here you can add details such as:

  1. Start and end date
  2. Location
  3. Event cost
  4. Buttons for registration and other info
  5. Contact information

Note that the start and end dates as well as location are required.

Event Options

4. Choose an image for your event. You can either choose from our presets or upload a custom image of your choosing.

Add a preset image

To add an image from our presets, click the Post Thumbnail tab and select from the dropdown.

Add a thumbnail

Add a custom image

Select Featured Image under block options at the right to add a custom image. Click Set Featured Image to upload a photo or choose one from your media library.

Set Featured Image

5. Like with a page, you can add other blocks, such as a heading or paragraph, for more event information.

7. Events can be pulled onto a page in the form of stacked listings or cards.

Video Tutorial

Try it Out!

Now that you have learned about events, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Create an event.
  2. Add event details: name, date, time, location, event description, image etc.
  3. Save the event.
  4. Preview the event on the front end.