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Files Post

Module 1.4 – Advanced: Advanced Content: Files Post 

The Files tool is a good way to organize files (like pdfs) on your website. Files can easily be replaced and the URL will not change or break. 

You can categorize and pull groups of files onto a page using a card block.


Add a Files Post

1. From the dashboard, go over to the left side of the screen, hover over Files, and click Add New.

Create a files post

Edit the Banner

2. Click in the banner area to add a title and description.

Upload a File

3. Click the button to select a video from your media library or to upload from your computer.

Upload file button

Accepted file type are:

4. Files can be categorized which is useful for organizing and pulling specific files onto a part of your site. Learn how to create categories.

5. You can create file listings by pulling files onto a page using a listing or card block. View this lesson for details.

Video Tutorial

Try it Out!

Now that you know how to create a file post type, try it out!

  1. Add a new file post.
  2. Give it a title and description.
  3. Upload a file and save.
  4. Go to the next lesson to learn how to pull files onto a page.