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Module 2.1 – Advanced: Listing Blocks: Categories

Categories are used to group similar content together on your site. They offer a powerful way to organize content. Categorizing your content allows you to easily display content of the same category anywhere on your site.

For example, if you had a “Research” category with multiple items categorized as “Research”, you could pull that entire category into a broader page highlighting your research activities.

Categories help identify, to both the user and search engines, what your site is all about. In cuTheme, you can categorize posts, events, people, and videos.


1. Create a new category

On the right-hand of your post, 1) click the Categories drop-down and then click 2) the Add New Category link, 3) give the category a name and 4) click the Add New Category button.

How to add a new category

2. Categorize a Post

Choose a category

Once you have created a new category for a post, event, people, or video, it will be available to select for all future posts. Just click the appropriate checkbox.

Video Tutorial

Try it Out!

Now that you have learned how to create and apply categories, time to try it out!

  1. Create a new post and categorize it,
  2. Apply the new category to an existing post.