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Stacked Blocks

Module 2.2 – Advanced: Listing Blocks: Stacked

Listing blocks pull categorized content onto a page. Stacked listing blocks are formatted like a list (sequentially as a unit) vs. card blocks which are formatted like individual cards.

Six stacked listing blocks are available: Events, Files, News, Pages, People, and Descriptions.

Follow along below to learn more about using a stacked listing block. I’ll focus on the News Listing block but the process is the same for all listing blocks:

  1. Add a stacked listing block
  2. Select Display Options (e.g., header, block background color, number columns)
  3. Select Listing Options where applicable (e.g., show images, dates, excerpts)
  4. Select Filter Options where applicable (e.g., number of posts, more button, categories)

Here is an example to give you an idea of what the news listing block looks like.

News Listing Block – Example


Add a Block

1. Add a Listing block using the block menu. Under Stacked Lists, choose from Descriptions, Event Listing, File, News, Page, or People Listing.

Add a stacked listing block

News Options

Select options from the Block menu on the right.

Under news listing block options:

  1. Add a header (title)
  2. Select white or gray for block background
  3. Select column layout (number of columns) using the dropdown (options: one or two)
  4. Toggle to display image thumbnails
  5. Toggle to display the publishing date
  6. Toggle to display post excerpts
  7. Determine the number of posts to display using the slider
  8. Add a More Button to show more posts
    • Choose Load More to display more on the page
    • Choose View More to bring visitors to another page
  9. Display posts from one or more categories by typing the category name into the text box
news listing block options

Event Options

Under event listing block options:

  1. Add a header
  2. Select white or gray for block background
  3. Display one or two columns
  4. Select the number of events to display
  5. Use the selector to display upcoming or past events
  6. Add a More Button to show more events
  7. Display events by category
Event listing options

File Options

Under file listing block options:

  1. Add a header
  2. Select white or gray for block background
  3. Display one or two columns
  4. Option to show all files
  5. Select the number of files to display
  6. Choose sort type (Alphabetical, by modification date)
  7. Select sort order (Chronological/Reverse Chronological_
  8. Add a more button
  9. Display by category
File listing options

Page Options

Under page listing block options:

  1. Add a header
  2. Select white or gray for block background
  3. Display one or two columns
  4. Toggle to display publishing date
  5. Toggle to display page excerpt
  6. Option to show all pages
  7. Select the number of pages to display
  8. Sort pages alphabetically or by date last modified
  9. Order alphabetically/chronologically or reverse chronologically
  10. Add a more button
  11. Display by category
Page listing options

People Options

Under people listing block options:

  1. Add a header
  2. Select white or gray for block background
  3. Display one or two columns
  4. Show images
  5. Show job title
  6. Show email
  7. Show phone
  8. Show all people
  9. Select the number of people to display
  10. Sort people by first or last name
  11. Order alphabetically or reverse
  12. Add more button
  13. Display by category
People listing options


Under Descriptions listing block options:

  1. Add a header
  2. Select grey for block background
  3. Display as Stacked, Columns or Accordion
  4. Show all Descriptions
Descriptions list options

Video Tutorial

Try it Out!

Now that you have learned how to add a listing, time to try it out!

  1. Add a news listing block.
  2. Display news from one category only.
  3. Play around with some of the listing block options.
  4. Add an event listing block and try out options.
  5. Add a people listing block and try out options.