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Homepage Components & Best Practices

Module 4.3 – Advanced: Homepage: Best Practices


Here are some best practices to consider and components to include when designing and optimizing your homepage:

1. Title

Have a clear, descriptive, and accurate website title and tagline so that visitors know immediately, at a glance what your site is about.

2. Introduction or Welcome Message

Including a brief introductory text or a welcome message can provide context and a warm invitation to explore further. This is also useful to tell search engines what your site is all about.

Website title and tag line

3. Quality Imagery

Visual content, such as captivating banners, images, and videos, can create an immediate impact.

4. Service Highlights

Showcase your main services on the homepage with visuals, brief descriptions, and links for more details. Make it very easy for visitors to see your offerings.
Tip: Use the Featured cards block

What we offer

5. Latest News/Updates

Highlight recent news, blog posts, or events to keep your audience informed and engaged.

Showcase featured content or sections that are most relevant to your target audience.

7. Pathways to Find More Information

Use elements on your homepage to draw your reader further into your site to explore key information.

Our homepage includes an index where visitors can easily jump to any topic if they have a specific question.

Index of topics on homepage

8. Primary Call to Action (CTA)

Your homepage should feature a prominent primary CTA that encourages visitors to take a specific action, such as applying or contacting you for more information.

On this site, we encourage visitors to “Get Started” on cuTheme training by clicking the button.

call to action button

Try it Out!

Examine your homepage components:

  1. Do you have a clear title and tagline?
  2. Do you have a clear call to action?
  3. Are there any achievements, news or upcoming events that you could feature?
  4. Is there one component that you can add or change to impact the effectiveness of your homepage?