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Purpose of your Homepage

Module 4.1 – Advanced: Homepage: Purpose

The homepage is often (but not always) the first page that people see when accessing your website. It functions as the digital front door to your website and should provide helpful information for visitors. From the homepage, a visitor should be able to navigate to every main section of the site.

It is the first point of contact for your audience – prospective students, current students, faculty, staff, and the community. Let’s explore the vital purpose and components of a great homepage.


1. First Impressions

Your website’s homepage is often the first interaction visitors have with your department. It sets the tone and creates the initial impression.

A well-designed homepage should reflect your departmental identity, values, and objectives. It should be visually appealing. A positive first impression can influence a visitor’s decision to explore further or leave your website.

2. Navigation Hub

The homepage acts as a gateway to your departmental information and resources. It should provide clear and intuitive navigation to various sections of the website. This could include links to academic programs, admissions, faculty and staff directories, services, campus facilities, news, events, and more. An effective homepage helps users can quickly find what they’re looking for.

3. Showcase Achievements, Research, and News

The homepage is the ideal place to highlight the latest achievements, news, and developments of your department. Whether it’s showcasing faculty research, student accomplishments, upcoming events, or interesting news stories a well-curated homepage can create a sense of vibrancy and community.

4. Recruitment and Admissions

For future students and their families, the homepage is critical for attracting and retaining interest. It should provide easy access to program information admissions and application processes, and financial aid details. Engaging content and compelling visuals can help students envision themselves as part of your community.

5. Showcase Services

By prominently featuring your services, you provide immediate clarity about what you offer and how it can benefit your audience whether it be internal (other departments, researchers) or external (future students). Use compelling images, concise descriptions, and clear calls to action to guide visitors to explore further.

Try it Out!

Examine your homepage:

  1. Does it support your department’s primary goals?
  2. Is easy for visitors to get to key sections of your site from the homepage?
  3. Is it obvious what you do/offer?
  4. What is one change you can make that will impact the effectiveness of your homepage? Make it!