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News Cards


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How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Welcome to the exciting world of cuTheme! If you’re used to our ccms theme (in classic WordPress), you’ll find that…

Placeholder image for news post

Using List View and Outline View

Learn about the List View and Outline View Options in cuTheme The list and outline views are helpful when navigating…

Placeholder image for news post

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Learn how to align your images and have text wrap around them There are three simple steps that you can…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

With a Load More

Placeholder image for news post

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Welcome to the exciting world of cuTheme! If you’re used to our ccms theme (in classic WordPress), you’ll find that…

Placeholder image for news post

Using List View and Outline View

Learn about the List View and Outline View Options in cuTheme The list and outline views are helpful when navigating…

Placeholder image for news post

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Learn how to align your images and have text wrap around them There are three simple steps that you can…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Image, Date and Title

Placeholder image for news post

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Placeholder image for news post

Using List View and Outline View

Placeholder image for news post

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Donec et lectus vitae leo eleifend lacinia. Morbi dictum sem nisl. In commodo orci vitae ultricies molestie. Ut nisl tortor, posuere nec lacus in, sodales blandit metus. Mauris quis lobortis eros. Nunc id cursus tellus, et pulvinar tortor. Nunc nisi felis, volutpat et ante eget, elementum convallis nisl. Fusce hendrerit ac risus nec eleifend. Morbi malesuada, diam at dignissim mattis, mauris diam mattis urna, sit amet sagittis nisl lorem at velit.

Date and Title

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Using List View and Outline View

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Three Ways to Add a Block in cuTheme

Text and Images in a Columns Block

Working with Video

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Date, Title and Excerpt

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Welcome to the exciting world of cuTheme! If you’re used to our ccms theme (in classic WordPress), you’ll find that…

Using List View and Outline View

Learn about the List View and Outline View Options in cuTheme The list and outline views are helpful when navigating…

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Learn how to align your images and have text wrap around them There are three simple steps that you can…

Three Ways to Add a Block in cuTheme

Learn the different ways to add content blocks to your pages There are three different ways that you can add…

Text and Images in a Columns Block

How to add text and an image to columns This video tutorial demonstrates how to add text and an image…

Working with Video

Learn two ways to add video by embedding directly or creating a video gallery In cuTheme, there are a couple…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Image and Title

Placeholder image for news post

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Placeholder image for news post

Using List View and Outline View

Placeholder image for news post

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Four Columns

Placeholder image for news post

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Welcome to the exciting world of cuTheme! If you’re used to our ccms theme (in classic WordPress), you’ll find that…

Placeholder image for news post

Using List View and Outline View

Learn about the List View and Outline View Options in cuTheme The list and outline views are helpful when navigating…

Placeholder image for news post

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Learn how to align your images and have text wrap around them There are three simple steps that you can…

Placeholder image for news post

Three Ways to Add a Block in cuTheme

Learn the different ways to add content blocks to your pages There are three different ways that you can add…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Date and Title at 4 Columns with Grey Background

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Using List View and Outline View

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Three Ways to Add a Block in cuTheme

Text and Images in a Columns Block

Working with Video

Drag and Drop Images from your Computer

Change your Banner Style with Ease!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Date, Title and Excerpt at 4 Col

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Welcome to the exciting world of cuTheme! If you’re used to our ccms theme (in classic WordPress), you’ll find that…

Using List View and Outline View

Learn about the List View and Outline View Options in cuTheme The list and outline views are helpful when navigating…

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

Learn how to align your images and have text wrap around them There are three simple steps that you can…

Three Ways to Add a Block in cuTheme

Learn the different ways to add content blocks to your pages There are three different ways that you can add…

Text and Images in a Columns Block

How to add text and an image to columns This video tutorial demonstrates how to add text and an image…

Working with Video

Learn two ways to add video by embedding directly or creating a video gallery In cuTheme, there are a couple…

Drag and Drop Images from your Computer

How to easily add images to your web pages In cuTheme you can drag and drop images from any folder…

Change your Banner Style with Ease!

Go from Wide Image to Text & Image with the flip of a switch There are two banner styles available…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Two Columns

Placeholder image for news post

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Welcome to the exciting world of cuTheme! If you’re used to our ccms theme (in classic WordPress), you’ll find that…

Placeholder image for news post

Using List View and Outline View

Learn about the List View and Outline View Options in cuTheme The list and outline views are helpful when navigating…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras varius, augue id facilisis rutrum, lectus erat porta ante, id egestas sem odio eget justo. Phasellus ac lorem dictum ante cursus pellentesque. Suspendisse a tincidunt felis, ut semper libero. Quisque suscipit orci posuere sodales pretium. Nullam et iaculis arcu. Morbi lacus nulla, molestie eleifend urna vitae, consequat semper metus.

Donec et lectus vitae leo eleifend lacinia. Morbi dictum sem nisl. In commodo orci vitae ultricies molestie. Ut nisl tortor, posuere nec lacus in, sodales blandit metus. Mauris quis lobortis eros. Nunc id cursus tellus, et pulvinar tortor. Nunc nisi felis, volutpat et ante eget, elementum convallis nisl. Fusce hendrerit ac risus nec eleifend. Morbi malesuada, diam at dignissim mattis, mauris diam mattis urna, sit amet sagittis nisl lorem at velit.

Grey Block Background

Placeholder image for news post

How to Structure Engaging News Posts in cuTheme

Placeholder image for news post

Using List View and Outline View