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Featured Cards

Module 3.1 – Mastery: Featured Content Blocks: Featured Cards

The Featured Cards block is a block that is used to highlight content and make it “pop.” If you are familiar with CMS, this is similar to quick links on our homepage. But you can use the block on any page on your site!

Complete with text, images, and buttons, this block is great for drawing attention to info that is deeper within your website.

Below is an example of the featured cards block as used on our homepage to highlight training resources.

Example of featured cards


1. To add a “Featured Cards” block, open up the block menu and select “Featured Cards.”

Add a Featured card

An empty row of 3 featured cards will be added to your page.

Featured cards block in editing area

2. Start by clicking in the title area to add a title. (Note the 80 character text limit)

Title area for featured cards block in editing view

3. Next, click in the text area below the title to add a description.

Text area for featured cards block in editing view

4. Under block options at the right, click Select Image to choose a thumbnail image. This is optional.

select an image for your featured card

5. Also under block options, add a button by selecting Internal or External and adding the URL.

Add a button

6. Access options for the entire block by clicking Select Featured Cards at the top left of the context menu.

Select entire block

Choose your options under the Block tab.

  1. Add a header for the block.
  2. Select white or grey for the block background.
  3. Select the number of columns (icon cards in each block). Note this can be between 2-4.
  4. Select white or grey for the card background.
  5. Determine whether or not to have a shadow on the cards.

Video Tutorial

Try it Out!

  1. Add a Featured Cards block to a page
  2. Try out the various options:
    • Add a title and text
    • Add an image
    • Add a button
  3. Play around with the various block options to change the number of columns and design options (background colour, shadow, etc.)
  4. Save your page and preview it!