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Block Editor Workspace

Module 1.3 – Getting Started: Editing Essentials: Block Editor Workspace

The block editor workspace is the area where you create content for your website’s pages and posts. It offers a variety of blocks that you can use to design and add information.

Remember, blocks are the fundamental elements that you use to create content layouts. Have a look at this page to review how blocks work.

You can customize this area to suit how you best work. This lesson will give you an overview of the three sections of the block editor workspace: the top toolbar, sidebar, and content area.


1. Launch the Block Editor

To launch the block editor, click on Pages > Add New.

All Pages

2. Choose your Work View

By default, the editor opens in fullscreen mode. I prefer to work with the lefthand navigation bar showing. This may be your preference if you are familiar with our ccms and the classic WordPress Editor.

To change the setting, click on the three dots at the top right of your screen. Click Fullscreen mode to toggle off and on. Experiment with the different modes under View to find what works best for you.

The block editor workspace has three main areas: the top toolbar, sidebar, and content area.

3. Top Toolbar

Toolbar options (from left to right) include:

  1. Block Inserter: Add blocks or patterns to your page.
  2. Tools: Switch between editing a block and selecting a block.
  3. Undo and Redo: Undo or redo an action.
  4. View Page: Get a page preview.
  5. Publish or Update your page.
  6. Show or hide page and block settings.
  7. Choose your workspace view.

4. Sidebar

The right-hand sidebar allows you to switch between

  1. Page and
  2. Block

Here, select specific options for each.


5. Content Area

The content area is where you will add content blocks in order to create your pages.

Content area

We will go into all of these areas in great detail throughout this training.

Video Tutorial

Try it Out!

Now that you have learned how to navigate the block editor workspace, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard and add a page.
  2. Switch to fullscreen mode. Try out the different editing modes under View.
  3. Go to the sidebar and click the Page and Block tabs to get familiar with the options available.
  4. Put your cursor in the content area and click + to add a block.