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Module 2.3 – Getting Started: Content Essentials: Pages


Add and Edit a New Page

1. From the dashboard, go to the left side of the screen, hover over Pages, and click on Add New.

Add new page

2. You are now editing a new page. Give your page a title by clicking Add a Title.

3. You can add text to the page by typing where it says “Type / to choose block”. This is a paragraph block. You will learn more about this later.

paragraph block

4. Save a draft or publish your page.

In the top right corner of the content editor screen, you will see buttons that allow you to save draft or publish your content.

Save Draft and Publish buttons

Once a page is published, this will change to Update. Use the update to save any changes you make to your page.

Update button

Categorize your Pages

5. Categorize your page (optional) by:


6. Upload a featured image (optional) that will be used in page cards and listings. Click Set Featured Image to upload or choose from your media library.

Featured image

Parent page

7. Make one page appear as the “child” of another page by giving it a “Parent” in the Page tab under Page Attributes

Parent page

This will change the child page’s URL to the following:


8. Preview your page.

Click the icon beside the Update button to preview your page.

Preview page

View All Pages

9. View all of your pages by going to Pages > All Pages in the lefthand navigation. 

Filter Pages options

You can click each tab to view:

  1. A list of all pages
  2. The pages you created
  3. Pages that are published
  4. Pages still in draft
  5. Pages in the trash

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned how to save a draft, publish, and preview your content, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Add a new page. Give it a title and some content.
  2. Save this page as a draft.
  3. Publish this page and view it on the front end.
  4. Add another new page.
  5. View a list of all pages on your site. Have a look at the pages you created. Are there any pages in draft or in the trash?