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Module 2.4 – Getting Started: Content Essentials: Posts


Add and Edit a New Post

1. From the dashboard, go to the left side of the screen, hover over Posts, and click on Add New.

Add a new post

2. You are now editing a new post. Give your post a title by clicking Add a Title.

3. You can add text to the post by typing where it says “Type / to choose block”. This is a paragraph block. You will learn more about this later.

4. Save a draft or publish your post.

In the top right corner of the content editor screen, you will see buttons that allow you to save draft or publish your content.

Save draft and Publish buttin

Once a post is published, this will change to Update. Use the update to save any changes you make to your page.

5. Preview your post.

Click the icon beside the Update button to preview your page.

Preview button

Categorize Posts

6. Categorize your post by clicking the “Add New Category” link, giving your category a name, and then clicking the Add New Category button.

7. Set a featured image for your post. This will show up as a thumbnail when posts are listed on a page:

Click Set featured image and then choose an image from your media library or upload one from your computer.

Set featured image


8. Add a one to two sentence description of the post by typing in the excerpt box. It will be used to preview the content wherever your posts are listed.

Note this is optional. If the excerpt is empty, one is created automatically using the first 55 words of the Post.

Post excerpt

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned how to save a draft, publish, and preview your content, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Add a new post. Give it a title and some content.
  2. Save this post as a draft.
  3. Publish this post and view it on the front end.
  4. Give the post a category.
  5. Add a featured image to your post.