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Text & Image

Module 3.3.2 – Getting Started: Basic Building Blocks: Basic Image Blocks: Text & Image

Module 3.3.1 – Getting Started: Basic Building Blocks: Basic Image Blocks: Image

The Text-Image block allows editors to include pieces of text along with an accompanying image. This is yet another great way to add visuals to your pages and posts.

The text & image block is also a great option to use as a page banner. It can be used with or without an image (see the top of this page for example).

Below is an example of a Text & Image block using an image that is right aligned.

Text and Image block example


1. Add the Text Image block using the block menu.

Add a Text & Image block

2. Give the block a title.

3. Use the block options at the right to add content. This can be text or a button.

  1. Use a wide block (available when the block is not the first element/banner on a page)
  2. Add content (text or a button)
Block options

4. You can also add an image using the Select Image button.

Select image

5. Once you add an image, you can use the image options to customize the look and feel.

  1. Set the image position to the left or right
  2. Choose whether or not to display the image on mobile
  3. Adjust the relative position of the image within the block
  4. Replace or Remove the image using these buttons
Image options

See more examples in our block library!

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned how to work with the Text-Image block, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Add a Text & Image block to a page.
  2. Add a heading and some text to the text.
  3. Add an image.
  4. Change the image position.
  5. Preview your results on the front end.